



要获得联邦学生资助,你必须满足一定的要求. 你必须:

  • Be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民
  • 有有效的社会安全号码吗
  • 拥有高中文凭或普通教育发展证书(GED)
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program and enrolled at a school that participates in the federal student aid programs
  • 你不能拖欠联邦助学金的退款,也不能拖欠联邦学生贷款.
  • 你必须证明你有经济需要(无补贴贷款除外)

The first step in applying for financial aid is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 这允许你申请联邦和州补助金. 提交FAFSA是不收费的. FAFSA可以通过studentaid在线完成.gov. 这是申请经济援助最快、最有效的方式. 全球赌博十大网站完成FAFSA的学校代码是006865.


你应该在FAFSA中填写上一个日历年的准确税务信息. 如果你是一个独立的学生,那么你必须列出你的信息和你父母的信息。. 如果你已婚,那么你必须为你自己和你的配偶列出信息. 申请必须签名并注明日期,以便处理. 受抚养学生须有家长签名. 我们鼓励您以电子方式向教育部提交FAFSA http://studentaid.gov/. 到目前为止,在线归档是最快、最有效的方法.

网上申请前, 学生, parents, 借款人必须使用FSA的ID, 由用户名和密码组成, 访问某些U.S. 教育部网站. Your FSA ID is used to confirm your identity when accessing your financial aid information and electronically signing your federal student aid documents.

创建FSA ID now.


申请过程的在线帮助可以在www上找到.fafsa.ed.Gov和WWW.studentaid.ed.gov. 您也可以通过电话1-800-433-3243寻求帮助.



You should receive your Student Aid Report (also known as the SAR) from the 教育部 recapping the information submitted on the FAFSA application. 您应在收到此信息后立即查看其准确性. The school receives the same information electronically; we will inform you of the status of your application and tell you if we need any additional documentation. 一旦你的文件完成,如果你有资格获得资助,你应该收到一封奖励信. 一旦你收到SAR, 预计在大约四周内收到财务援助办公室的信件.


与我们的 净价计算器. This calculator is designed to give you an early indication of how much and what types of financial aid you might qualify for if you were a full time, 指定学年的本科一年级学生. 这是一个工具,我们希望将给你一个清晰的画面的选择和机会, 这样你就可以在选择大学时做出更明智的决定. 结果不具有约束力,只与您提供的数据一样可靠. 净价计算器会给你一个你的净价和援助资格的估计. 为了获得准确的奖励,需要完成FAFSA申请.




我想申请经济资助. 我该怎么办??

你可以在以下网址填写FAFSA studentaid.gov. FAFSA将于10月1日生效,适用于下一学年.


You need to complete the 全球赌博十大网站 招生 Application and the FAFSA application in order for CCC to begin reviewing your file. 通常需要3-5个工作日才能开始沟通. 您可以通过访问您的myCCC帐户来检查您的状态.




全球赌博十大网站没有完成FAFSA申请的机构截止日期. 我们遵守所有联邦和州的约会规定. 这些日期可以在这个链接中找到: studentaid.gov /申请援助/ fafsa / fafsa-deadlines. 在线申请必须在奖励年度的6月30日之前提交.


All other applicants – prior to September 1th for fall and spring terms; February 15th, 只适用于春季学期.


CCC的优先截止日期是4月15日, 但是学生可以在一年中的任何时候完成FAFSA. 我们越早收到你的FAFSA数据,你的经济援助奖励就会越快完成.


Yes, until a student is 24 years of age federal regulations state that a student is still a dependent student and needs to provide parent data on the FAFSA.

Only the following criteria would make a student under the age of twenty-four eligible to be an independent student:

  • 你曾经或目前在武装部队的一个分支服役
  • 你结婚了
  • 你有一个受抚养人,你提供超过50%的经济支持
  • 你是一个孤儿/法庭的监护人
  • 你已经获得了学士学位,并且正在攻读研究生课程
  • 你是一个无家可归的年轻人

Some 学生 encounter extenuating circumstances that may warrant the student being considered "Independent" for financial aid purposes. 如果你相信你所处的环境能让你独立, 可能会处理依赖项覆盖,并且不需要您提供家长信息. Please contact the 金融援助 Office to discuss your extenuating circumstances and determine if special consideration is needed. 在完成依赖关系覆盖过程时,请准备好与父母双方讨论.

下面列出的条件, 单独地或组合地, 是否不符合需要依赖覆盖的异常情况.

  • 你的父母拒绝为你的教育出资
  • Your parents are unwilling to provide information on the FAFSA; they are unwilling to provide tax forms or W-2s for review of FAFSA data
  • 你的父母不要求你作为受抚养人缴纳所得税
  • 你表现出完全的自给自足
  • Having a bachelor’s degree and being enrolled at CCC does not make you independent as we are still considered an undergraduate program.
How is the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determined by the Federal Government after completing the FAFSA?

您的EFC是根据您在FAFSA申请中提供的信息计算的. That is why it is so important to be as accurate as possible when completing the financial aid documents your aid entitlement can be impacted if corrections have to be made. 您的EFC可能每年都在变化,这取决于您的财务和家庭状况.



经济援助奖学金只适用于一个学年. 在你上学的每一年,你都需要填写新的FAFSA. It is a good idea to get into the habit of completing the FAFSA each year even if you are not sure you are going to enroll in the upcoming academic year.

I filled out the FAFSA; why was my schedule dropped for non-payment?

填写FAFSA只是第一步. 收到提交确认后的五天内, 检查您的自助服务, call, or come into the 金融援助 Office and find out what additional information is required to complete your file. 您还将收到一封电子邮件,说明完成您的文件所需的内容, 你可以随时通过访问金融援助自助服务来检查你的状态. 在你的文件完成之前,你不会获得任何实际的资助.




Yes. 符合佩尔资格的学生即使只注册了不到1/2学分也可以获得奖励. 大多数其他形式的援助, 包括直接贷款和TAG助学金要求学生至少注册6个学分. 你有资格获得的援助金额可能会根据你的入学情况而增加或减少.

我不得不退了所有的课. 我的经济资助会怎么样?

A student who completely withdraws at or before 60% of the term may have to return a portion their federal financial aid and may owe a balance to the college. 学生获得联邦财政援助的依据是他们所参加的学期的百分比.


为了保持获得经济援助的资格,你必须取得令人满意的学业进步. SAP是基于你的GPA, 学分未遂, 你修了多少补习课程, 以及完成学位所需的时间. SAP的计算是按年进行的, and 学生 who fail for one or more of the above reasons will be coded as Unsatisfactory Academic Progress (USAP). 他们将不再有资格获得联邦援助. 即使一个学生中断了他们的学业, 当他们返回时,他们仍然被认为是USAP. 学生可以对USAP的状态提出上诉,以便再次有资格获得援助, 但是提出上诉并不能保证援助会得到批准.

请注意:每个学生可获得30个补习学分. ESL and Vocational studies courses are not considered toward the remedial credit counter but will be factored in all other portions of the SAP policies.

什么是TUWA? 我失业了. 我可以用这个支付学费吗?

全球赌博十大网站 offers a tuition waiver program (TUWA) for 学生 receiving unemployment benefits through the county. The TUWA covers the cost of tuition only; you will be responsible for books, fees, 以及其他产生的费用. 才有资格参加TUWA, 你必须有新泽西州失业服务部门的推荐表格. 您还必须提交FAFSA,并在CCC完成您的经济援助文件. 学生只能在开课前一天使用TUWA进行注册. 禁止提前报名.


Yes, 如果你的助学金超过了你的学杂费, 你将有资格获得一张图书券. 书券将在你获得助学金的第二天发给你, 你注册了课程. 它们每学期只在有限的时间内可用, usually beginning two weeks before the start of the semester and ending October 1st for the Fall semester; March 1st for the Spring semester; and July 1st for the Summer semester or your refund being issued whichever comes first.


您可以通过以下网址访问新泽西州选举部门. 在这个网站上,你可以完成选民登记申请或检查你的状态. 纸质申请也可在财政援助办公室获得. http://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/voter-registration.shtml


是的,冬季休学被认为是春季学期的一部分. Students taking Winter Intercession classes are required to take at least one class during the regular Spring Semester in order to receive financial aid if not you will be required to pay out of pocket for all classes taken during that session. Students eligible for the state grant funding can only receive credit for 3 credits during Winter Intercession regardless of how many credits taking in the session.


你可以在我们的网站上找到有关奖学金的信息 奖学金 page.


There will be no change in your aid as long as the student maintains passing grades for the remaining classes the student is registered for.




联邦政府将在全国范围内选择FAFSA申请进行审核. 尽管财政援助办公室对谁被选中没有发言权, we are required by federal law to complete verification on any file that has been selected before any aid can be awarded.


The verification process can take up to 30 days once you have submitted all requested documents to the 金融援助 Office. 有时可能还需要额外的文件, 这取决于学生个人经济状况的复杂性. 这可能会增加完成该过程的额外时间. 经常检查自助服务和你的邮件. 我们将通知您任何丢失的文件,或您的奖励.









如果你不符合资助资格,你仍然可以申请直接贷款. 贷款是经济援助的一种形式. They are either subsidized (these loans do not add interest while you are in college because the interest is being paid by the Federal Government) or unsubsidized (these loans do accrue interest throughout the time you are in college).


No, 与资助, 所有学生都有资格获得无补贴直接贷款, 无论收入和EFC如何.


No, 除非你违约了或者已经达到了你的借款总额, 你完全有资格获得直接贷款.



The 教育部 has a wealth of information about all the loan forgiveness options and how to apply. 你可以访问最新的信息 http://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info